One Another

John 13:34-35 NIV says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Love will do amazing things, especially when it's the love of Jesus Christ. Spread His love with this design. Get the wording to pop with different colors and you'll have an encouraging shirt for events and just daily wear.   love, one another, another Read more »

Church Baptism Splash

Church Baptism Splash Shirt is a favorite design among the baptism shirts. We can change up the design colors and lettering any way you see fit.  If your budget is an issue we can make this into a 1 color and save you a little! Read more »

Cross Wings

This Cross Wings Church T-Shirt with a cross, crown and circular text is a very popular design.  The illustration does a great job of radiating out towards the text creating a strong balanced composition. Read more »


The weather is getting colder! Winter will be here before you know it so grab some "cool" shirts for retreat. The icy font and dainty snowflakes perfectly compliment the winter wonderland feel. Not to mention we have white and blue ink for a frosty touch. Customize this design any way you'd like and be ready to melt the ice!   winter camp, snow, ice, flake, icicle Read more »

Heart of Service

Being last really goes against what the world tells us. Even more so on being a servant. But Jesus took on these two titles all for the sake of His love for us. Have your church take a stand against the status quo and serve those who need it most. And soon the world will know and see the love of Him through works of serving. "Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35 NIV   serve, serve day, heart of service Read more »

All Serve

One of the greatest rewards can be found in serving others. To serve Jesus is to serve others. Change the world as your church reaches out with a servant heart of love. " You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love." Galatians 5:13 NIV   serve, serve day, all serve Read more »

Love and Serve

Loving and serving others go hand-in-hand. Jesus is a perfect example of this. He served all because He loved all, and He loved all while He served all. As your church goes out to serve and love, know they'll be unified in God and maybe some awesome shirts just for a little extra help. "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18 NIV   love and serve, serve, serve day Read more »

Called to Serve

Serve in love as we become the hands and feet for Jesus in this life. This circle design is great for sharing your message of serving others. Straigthforward with a hint of hand-crafted elements. Add your group's name at the bottom and continue to serve just as Jesus served. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 NIV   called to serve, serve day, serve Read more »

Baptism Drop

This little droplet of water is the perfect message to show you're proud of choosing Christ. Surprise your new family members and celebrate their baptisms with this gift. Gift of new life in Jesus and a new shirt to remember this life-changing event. And a reminder to always follow Jesus.   baptism, I have decided, follow, Jesus, new life Read more »

Serve Days

Do you have a serving event soon approaching? Grab shirts for your group to remember the joy of serving others. This design is very simple, but simplicity is also the best clarity.  Continue to serve others just as Jesus continued to serve all during His time here on Earth. "Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Romans 12:13 NIV   serve, serve days, serve one another Read more »