Saving Grace

The message in this design is simple: we’re saved by grace! In keeping with simplicity, we built this design with the truth of the Gospel loud and clear–and we made sure to leave space for your church name. Let our designers know where you’re calling/writing/Pony Expressing from and we’ll make this shirt totally and completely yours.   text, simple, grace, church, scripture Read more »


Equip your Confirmation group with this modern design that features the Holy Spirit. Add your church name and verse reference and you will ready to go!   confirmation, dove, Holy Spirit Read more »

Walk with Him

Whether you’re treadin’ the straight in narrow in hightops, cowboy boots or heels, you’re sure to be on the right path when you walk with Christ. We’re stoked about the earth tones on this Dark Chocolate tee -- but if you want to mix it up and go crazy with color then who are we to stop you? Be as specific as you’d like in your request and our designers will bring your vision to life.   walk, light, John 1:7 Read more »

Men’s Ministry Badge

If your men’s ministry is classic, rough and tough with a touch of vintage, this design is definitely for you. We’ll customize the text and colors to fit your group’s colors, name, theme, and whatever else you would like. We can’t wait to help you unite your men’s ministry!   mens ministry, badge, Corinthians, discipleship, bible study Read more »

Ask Seek Knock

From Matthew 7:7, " Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  Verse 8 goes on: "For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Sometimes, we try to accomplish on our own. Yet God is always there to remind us that we don't have to handle anything alone. He's wants to help and He's there to help.   ask, seek, knock, Matthew 7:7 Read more »

Micah 6:8

Micah 6:8 says, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  What a great verse to teach us how to practically live out Christ in our daily lives.  This design looks ideal when the two ink colors you choose are similar. We can place your group name down the side and put the verse below if you think that will look good as well - We will be happy to show it to you either way, remember all the custom design you want is free with your order.   Act, Love, Walk, Avante Garde, Verse, Micah 6:8, shadow Read more »

Bear Sighting

Ice-covered lakes, snowy mountain tops, the warm sun on your face and the occasional wildlife sighting ... can anything beat camp? Gear up for a Christ-filled winter with this wild and vibrant design. Don’t forget to customize the colors to your liking and we’ll mock it up with your church name and theme verse -- all free of charge!   winter, camp, bear, sunrise, lake, retreat Read more »

Badge of Iron

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. This rustic design serves as a great reminder of the power of community in the church. Customize it for your conference, small group or bible study.   iron, proverbs, proverbs 27:17, rustic, orange, vintage, mens, men’s, ministry, DNOW Read more »

Camp Postcard

Honey skies and warm nights, acoustic worship and heart-to-hearts—the essentials of summer camp. Warm colors on this design encapsulate the feeling of summer, and eventually the memory of your awesome church camp. Anything on this design can be customized, including the text, colors, font, and shirt style. Just consult your designer!   summer, camp, mountains, sunset, sunrise, hills, forest, evergreen Read more »