started this company over 20 years ago now with the idea that I wanted use my God given talents to promote Ministries.
Working in youth ministry at the time I realized that the important work of ministry was often put on the back burner because less important things like programs, design, calendars, flyers and other things like ordering pizza. There are many things that I am not good at. But I did realize that each of us have gifts that the God has given us.
Design and Management I thought “I can help with some of that by designing of all kinds of things people in ministry can use and doing it in such a way so that it will save them time too.” As the body of Christ we each have our own role to fill and this is my role.
20+ years ago, While I was in college, I started desining T-Shirts for local churches in the area– Jr. High groups and High school Groups. Soon after that I quit my job and started printing the shirts in addition to just designing them.
Fast forward 19 years and I now have a team of designers that are excited about the fact that they are equipped to help your ministry in many ways by taking some of the work off your shoulders and making things look pretty too! We’re here to free you up! Let us know how we can help!