Upload your photo


Are you ready to share your smiling faces and custom church shirts in our Ministry of the Month Contest?

Submit your own photo. If your photo gets the most “Shares” you win $100.00 off your next order!  (of at least 12 shirts)

1.  Upload your photo below.

  • Generally, the more people in the photo the better
  • Make sure the MinistryGear product is visible in the photo, and associated with a valid order number.
  • Upload high-quality photos to best display your awesome design.  Blurry or low-resolution photos may be rejected.
  • Photos are subject to approval by MinistryGear

2.  Submit the Online Form.

3. Now get the word out!  Share your own photo, and ask other people to share your photo too!

  • Tell us about the photograph, the event (where, when & why), and your experience working with the team at Ministry Gear.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.