Awesome Spring Themes for your Women’s Ministry Events

Spring is upon us! And with it comes the joy of serving the women of your church with exciting events, teas, and retreats. So to help you prepare, we’ve outlined 6 awesome Spring themes for your women’s ministry events this year based on Isaiah 55.

As we studied Isaiah 55, we realized it could be called the “Springtime Chapter” of the Bible. Its encouraging words and poetic descriptions are like warm sunshine and healing rain on a heart broken down by a long cold Winter.

We’ve laid this study out for you as a simple acrostic spelling S-P-R-I-N-G. Feel free to use all 6 of these Spring theme ideas as part of a whole women’s ministry events series/weekend retreat, or focus on the one that God puts on your heart for the women you serve. We pray that the seeds you sow and water will bloom and produce beautiful and lasting fruit!

6 Awesome Spring Themes For Women’s Ministry Events

S – Sow Seeds

The best season to grow a garden is also a great time to encourage the women in your church to sow in others the seeds of faith. In verse 7 of Isaiah 55, we find God’s desire to turn hearts away from evil toward Himself. And we have a part in that action by speaking truth with word and action so that people of every tribe, tongue, and nation can receive God’s pardon.

Sow the Seeds of Faith in:

  • Your Family – Model what it means to love and obey Jesus every day to plant faith in their hearts. (Proverbs 22:6)
  • Your Church – Speak words of encouragement and compassion into the lives of the women with whom you worship. (Titus 2:3-5)
  • Your Community – Like Jesus, don’t separate yourself from those who need to meet Him, be healed by Him, and find their faith in Him. (Matthew 5:14-16)

P – Practice Peace

It’s difficult sometimes to rest in the peace God has for us. Perhaps the women of your church need to be reminded of the spiritual disciplines which focus attention on Christ and the peace He gives that passes all understanding. Isaiah echoes God’s desire to communicate love and life to us in verse 3 of Isaiah 55.

Rest in The Lord through:

  • Prayer – The two-way relationship God intends for us is only available through prayer. Fill your day with communication with the Father who never leaves your side. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
  • Study – Receive the nourishment that comes from time in God’s Word. Join the Psalmist by hiding God’s Word in your heart (Psalm 119:11).
  • Solitude – Jesus often got away to remote places to pray (Luke 5:16). You too will find incredible peace when you actively seek alone time with The Lord.

R – Receive Refreshment

Like the April showers that bring May flowers, God’s Holy Spirit is ready to pour out beautiful refreshment if you will only open your heart to receive it. It’s such a beautiful promise of God, that if we will come, He will provide all that we need, and more (Isaiah 55:1-2)!

Let the Spirit Rain on You:

  • New Life – In this world that feels so dead so often, isn’t it refreshing to know that the Spirit within you raises you to life – an abundant life indeed (Romans 8:9-11)!
  • Needs Met – Watchman Nee said, “The meeting of need is not dependent on the supply in hand, but on the blessing of the Lord resting on the supply.” This applies to spiritual needs even more so than physical. We need only to seek first His Kingdom and all these things will be added to it (Matthew 6:33).
  • Next Steps – The Holy Spirit is our helper and counselor. He will direct our every step if we are faithful to listen and follow (Romans 8:14).

I – Invite Immanuel

Christmas comes just once a year, so it’s easy to keep it in a box until it’s time to decorate again. But when the angel said that Jesus would be called “Immanuel – God With Us,” it wasn’t just for 1 month out of the year. Jesus wants to be with us all year long. Isaiah 55:6 shows us that when Jesus comes close, that is the time to seek Him. So invite Jesus to be Immanuel, God with you, every single day. You’ll be surprised how satisfying He can be when you open your door and welcome Him in.

Welcome Jesus and He Will Provide:

  • Comfort – Are you sad? Burdened? Afraid? Jesus asks you to come to Him and give Him your burdens so that he can comfort you and give you rest (Matthew 5:4, 11:28).
  • Power – Jesus is not a genie granting wishes. But ask Him and He will grant you phenomenal power, as part of His body of believers, to vanquish evil and Hell (Matthew 16:18).
  • Leadership – When you invite Jesus to be your leader, when you go where He calls you to go and do what He calls you to do, you may soon see others following in a spiritual train behind you. Jesus leads, you follow. Others see the fruit in your life, they’ll follow too (Matthew 4:19).

N – Nurture the Nest

Mothers have an awesome responsibility. As it says in Proverbs 22:6, when we train up our children, they’re likely to hold onto the truth throughout their life. Isn’t it a comfort to know that what God nurtures, will become full-grown (Isaiah 55:10-11)?

God Helps Mothers To:

  • Feed – If God feeds the birds of the air, how much more will He provide food and shelter for your kids, even in times of hardship. (Luke 12:24). This extends to all your family’s needs. If you need it (actually NEED it), God will be sure to give it to you.
  • Protect – It’s not easy to protect our kids from harm (physical, emotional, innocence, etc.). But God cares deeply about them and posts guard around them (Matthew 18:10-14). When we can’t be there for our little ones, it is a comfort to know God’s in control (Psalm 68:5).
  • Release – Today we discipline and lead our kids to become faithful followers of Jesus. It’s hard to believe that one day we will have to let them go. But your hard work will pay off as one day he/she will “give delight to your heart” (Proverbs 29:17).

G – Grow in Gratitude

What’s the payoff of all this sowing, rain, nurturing, and pruning? Read deeply the closing verses of Isaiah 55 (v. 12-13). Spring brings about beautiful fruit that changes lives (yours and others’) and lasts as God’s Glory forever. But it’s up to you to look around and recognize all He has done to stretch and grow you to where you are today. As Christ brings a fresh new Springtime to your heart, it’s good to celebrate the amazing things He has done in you and around you. Your growth is all because of Him! Don’t forget to thank Him.

Overflow with Thanks to God for:

  • Mercy – When you first came to Christ, you may have been laser-focused on the barrier of sin that kept you from knowing Him. What a joy it is to thank Him for having mercy on you and welcoming YOU into His Kingdom (Psalm 136)!
  • Relationships – Our friends and family are our most precious human relationships. And when we see that God is using our faith in Him to draw them also to Himself, how can we not overflow with gratitude (2 Corinthians 4:15)?
  • A Future – It’s been said that without hope we could not survive another day. But God gives us an eternal hope that includes a bright future, when all wrongs are turned to right, all wounds are healed, and God is on the throne (Jeremiah 29:11)! Let’s thank Him together because we know our future is secured.

At Ministry Gear, serving your ministry is our ministry. It’s not all about t-shirts. We hope this post has been helpful to you in coming up with ideas and preparing for your Springtime Women’s Ministry events. If you end up using this devotion as a whole theme or individual themes, please let us know. We’d love to celebrate with you all that God is doing through your ministry. Give us a call at 888.812.4044.

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